This blog, this mighty tome of knowledge, shall be my gift to you!
Together, we will explore every realm of human endeavor. No subject is too lofty to escape my grasp, and no depth is low enough to contain my sink-age.
You will gasp with inspired wonder at my exploits, revelations, and all-around grooviness.
I will relentlessly chronicle the wonders and woes of this terminal condition we call "Humanity."
I will shock and amaze you...
Ah, who the fuck am I kidding?!? This is my writing blog.
What that entails, I'm not really sure, at this point. Basically, I'll write some essays, musings, and observations in an effort to rekindle my long-extinguished creative spark.
You are invited to follow along on this journey. Be advised, however, it's liable to be a dark ride. I'm nothing if not an honest chap, and that makes for frequent awkwardness, occasional discomfort, and in extremely rare instances, genital chaffing.
So proceed at your own risk into the...
Constellation of Suck!
Thank God.
hey, dude. welcome (back.)
Hey guys, it's good to be back!
I'll get you guys linked up in the next few days.
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